Announcement for the Train-the-Trainer Programme for Enforcement Agents, deputy enforcement agents and data officers working at the office of an enforcement agent.

The EU-funded project PACE project “Creating Privacy Awareness in Civil Enforcement” examines the intersection of civil enforcement and data protection and aims to contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU data protection law in civil enforcement procedures.

The  PACE Project is announcing a call for trainers to take part in the Train-the-Trainer Programme (ToT) for enforcement agents and/or their staff (especially data officers)

  • The Train-the-Trainer Programme
  • Objective: to develop a sustainable training programme for the enforcement agents with regard to the intersection of civil enforcement and data protection (the application of the GDPR).

It will be dedicated to applying an instructional methodology for adult learning, developing presentation and facilitation skills, designing courses, curriculum development and preparing course material.

  • Expected Timing of Train-the-Trainer Programme: January/ February 2024.
  • Duration of complete programme: 3 days (18 hours), online.

Per EU member state 2 persons can participate. There will be three groups for this ToT training.

Tentative dates of the ToT sessions: 11-13 January 2024 (group 1); 18-20 January 2024 (group 2) and 12-14 February 2024 (group 3). Maximum 25 persons per group, on a first come first served basis.

  • Participants are expected to follow all sessions.
  • Consequences of the PACE Project certification: Possibility for conducting trainings at the request of the enforcement agents and/ or their respective professional organizations in the field of civil enforcement and data protection.
  • Requirements to candidates:
    • a very good understanding of the work of enforcement agents, including knowledge of the enforcement legal framework and procedures
    • a good understanding of data protection
    • Good command of English
    • Interest in becoming a trainer. Prior teaching experience is an asset
    • to be a practicing representative of the enforcement profession (e.g. as an enforcement agent, data officer or employee)
  • Contents of the training: during the ToT, attention shall be given to didactic training; how to design and deliver training courses for adults; basis information and insight on data protection in civil enforcement; practical examples and exercises.


  • The candidates shall:
    • Be committed to deliver, as trainers, in the training activities that will be developed by the PACE project.
    • Agree as part of the PACE project certification to design training modules on the application of the GDPR in their legal system, including the necessary practical exercises and examples.

In case you are interested:

  1. Please forward us your CV, preferably in  Europeaid format
  2. Motivation letter, including indicated commitment to attend ToT Programme

Candidates are requested to send their application to: or or to fill in the form here.


  • Deadline for application: 24 December 2023


The PACE Project: PACE is implemented by the Center for European Constitutional Law – Themistocles and Dimitris Tsatsos Foundation, in collaboration with the International Union of Judicial Officers. The project aims to contribute to the effective and coherent application of EU law in civil law and fundamental rights, namely the intersection of civil enforcement and data protection. In specific, the project aims to a) create a solid evidence base on data protection challenges in civil enforcement proceedings, and on the training needs of bailiffs in this area; b) Train 52 trainers from 26 MS; c) Train 300 bailiffs in the 26 MS on EU data protection in civil enforcement; d) Create e-courses and e) disseminate and communicate the project results, activities, deliverables and outcomes to key stakeholders across the EU. The project responds to needs that emanate from previous projects (ENABLE, Enforcement Atlas, TRAIN GR-CY, SENTINEL) and addresses 3 key target groups: a) bailiffs and their national professional associations in 26 MS b) the European Union of Judicial Officers (UEHJ) and c) training providers at national and EU level. The project is structured in 4 WPs. WP1 focuses on project management & coordination. WP2 Training Needs Assessment, educational design and learning materials investigates in a participatory way (EU wide survey and expert interviews) the training needs of bailiffs in data protection and designs the project training strategy for trainers and bailiffs. WP3 Transnational training and development of e- courses involves a) the design and delivery of training to trainers, through 3 3-day transnational workshops for 52 trainers, b) the design and delivery of training to bailiffs through 10 2-day transnational webinars for 300 judicial officers across the EU and c) the delivery of asynchronous training through a minimum of 3 e-courses for 60-80 participants. WP4 Dissemination and communication focuses on the dissemination of results and the stimulation of a policy discussion on the topic through targeted dissemination measures.